General Information


Conference on collagen research focusing on the fundamental issues of chemical and molecular properties, advances in processing and modification, and insights into industrial applications.

For the 7th Freiberg Collagen Symposium we are looking for speakers who would like to present their ideas, findings and applications on the following topics:

Main Topics

  • Fundamental research

  • Collagen structure and modelling

  • New preparation techniques and processing technologies

  • Chemical and physical modification

  • New crosslinking technologies

  • Collagen-based biomaterials

  • Hybrid materials from collagen and biopolymers

  • New collagen sources and analogues

  • Analytical aspects

  • Metabolic action and associated diseases

Important Dates

Call for Abstracts (postponed)until 06.08.2021
Registrationuntil 26.09.2021
Date of Symposium29.09.-30.09.2021



FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH
Meißner Ring 1-5
09599 Freiberg


Fon: +49-(0)3731-366-0
Fax: +49-(0)3731-366-130