4th Freiberg Collagen Symposium, 2008

Day 1

Plenary Session

W. Kunz, D. Touraud; Universität Regensburg (D)
Specific ionic effects in nature and technics, in particular in connection with proteins
H. Wagner; Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BFEL), Detmold (D)
Stable isotope signatures - a method for the determination of the origin of hides and leather?
M. Jung; Biotype AG, Dresden (D)
Proof of origin for raw hides with biomolecular methods


Session A - Leather

B. Plinke, F. Schlüter; Fraunhofer-Institut für Holzforschung WKI, Braunschweig (D); P. Nowara; FILK, Freiberg (D)
Thermographic inspection of semifinished leather products - Results from
preliminary investigations, prospects for in-line applications
J. Bohrisch; Fraunhofer-Institut für angewandte Polymerforschung (IAP), Golm (D); S. Gruner, R. Geis, M. Meyer; FILK, Freiberg (D)
A permanent and environmental stable marking system for leather - traceability via encapsulated DNA
M. Wolf; FILK, Freiberg (D)
The impact of different beamhouse chemicals on the activity of the Yarrowia lipases
A. Mädler, C. Petzold; FILK, Freiberg (D)
Fingers sensitivity for haptic properties of leather
J. Borris; Fraunhofer-Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik (IST), Braunschweig (D); R. Hänsel; FILK, Freiberg (D)
Plasma technology for surface modification and coating of leather
H. Rudolph; FILK, Freiberg (D)
Prospects of digital printing on leather
M. Schröpfer; FILK, Freiberg (D)
Dimensional and structural stability of leather under alternating climate conditions
A. Schulze; Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Sachsen, Dresden (D)
Requirements for leather for application in artistry and cultural asset preservation


Session B - Collagen (english only)

K. Mewes; Phenion GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf (D); T. Brune, A . Prießner, A. Bernd, K. R. Schroeder; Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt a. M. (D)
The importance of collagen for the development and function of a fullthickness skin model
L. Just, Universität Tübingen (D)
A novel collagen cell carrier for cell culture systems
M. Wieland, Skin & Health Care AG Dr. Suwelack, Billerbeck, (D)
Application of innovative collagen matrices as dermis substitute
S. Heinemann, C. Heinemann; Max-Bergmann-Zentrum (MBZ), Dresden (D); B. Nies; InnoTERE GmbH, Dresden (D); M. Meyer; FILK, Freiberg (D); T. Hanke; H. Worch; Max-Bergmann-Zentrum (MBZ), Dresden (D)
Biomimetic hybrid materials based on silica, collagen and calcium phosphates
M. Gelinsky, U. König, M. Eckert; Max-Bergmann-Zentrum (MBZ), Dresden (D)
Mineralised collagen - a biomimetic nanocomposite material for bone regeneration
M. Ahlers; Gelita AG, Ebersbach (D); C. Bohnsack; B. Braun Melsungen AG (D); Ch. Gassmeier; TETEC® AG, Reutlingen (D); K. Benz; Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut (NMI), Universität Tübingen (D)
Gelatine scaffolds for cartilage regeneration
S. Erdmann, H. Nothbohm; Medizinische Universität Lübeck (D)
Marine collagen in cartilage tissue engineering
R. Schade; Institut für Bioprozess- und Analysenmesstechnik e.V. (Iba), Heiligenstadt (D)
Application of the 2 photon technique for characterising and structuring of cell carrier materials on collagen basis for biomedicine and microsystems technology


Day 2

K. Rappold; Verband Deutscher Gelatinehersteller e. V., Frankfurt a. M. (D)
The consequences of REACH for gelatin and collagen manufacturing
J. Kniep; Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Zellbiologie und Genetik (MPI CBG), Dresden (D)
Nanocomposites from apatit-gelatine and calcit-gelatin: About biomimetic teeth and otoliths
I. Stachel, M. Meyer; FILK, Freiberg (D)
Enzymatic crosslinking of collagen by transglutaminase: Identification of crosslinking sites


Session A - Leather

V. Plavan; Universität Kiev (UKR)
Chitosan as crosslinking agent of collagen for tanning improvement
J. Ma Adzet; La Asociación de investigación de las Industrias del Curtido yAnexas (AIICA), Barcelona (ES)
Instantaneous and continual penetration process of skin fibre weave with chrome liquor
M. Catalina, G. Attenburrow, A. D. Covington, A. P. M. Antunes; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC,) Barcelona (ES); J. Cot, University of Northampton (UK)
Application of gelatin extracted from chrome-tanned waste as a finishing agent for leather
J. Fennen, C. Page; TFL Leather Technology Ltd., Basel (CH)
Solar-reflective leather is cool!


Session B - Collagen (english only)

G. C. Chitanu; Technical University of Iasi, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (ROM)
Interaction of maleic acid copolymers with collagen hydrolysate and influence of low molecular ions or salts
C. Gaidau; Sucursala Institutul de Cercetari Pielarie Incaltaminte (ICPI), Bucharesti (ROM)
Advanced biomaterials obtained by processing by-products of the leather industry
Hagen Baltzer; FILK, Freiberg (D)
Preparation and rheological characterisation of native collagen suspensions
K. Schwikal; Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung e.V. (TITK), Rudolstadt (D); M. Meyer, H. Baltzer, O. Kotlarski, FILK, Freiberg (D)
Manufacturing technologies and characterisation of endless collagen monofilaments








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09599 Freiberg


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